Timetable 13.02.2025
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The BlueTrain to Sylt

Five good reasons:

Bring On the Heavies!

azs firmenkunden

The BlueTrain to Sylt also transports heavy trucks, buses and vehicles with trailers and caravans to the island and back, up to 26 times a day. New, modern transporter wagons with particularly large on-ramps onto the train and comfortable, smooth ride dynamics ensure a relaxed passage even with large vehicles. We always transport you in a fast, safe, and friendly manner at favorable prices. At convenient times and favorable terms, including for shipping companies and business customers. Contact our sales department today at firmenkunden@autozug-sylt.de to reserve your spot on the train. Further information for trucks, trailers, caravans, buses, and mobile homes can be found here.

Become Commuter Customer
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Commuter Customers

The blue CarTrain to Sylt offers all Sylt Commuters the possibility to reach your work place quickly and conveniently while avoiding crowded passenger trains or transporters.
Live: Loading terminal Niebüll and Westerland/Sylt
Terminal Niebüll Drohne

Webcams – Stay relaxed.

See the current traffic in Niebüll and Westerland.
Frequent traveler?
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For everyone who loves Sylt!

Whether for a holiday, a weekend getaway, business, or a day trip – the BlueTrain to Sylt takes you safely and quickly from the mainland to the island and back, in your vehicle. Frequent travelers, islanders, and anyone who loves Sylt enjoy especially low prices when they travel with us.

“Sylt? Enjoy!” – Love, Peace, Rock’n Roll: the BlueTrain to Sylt